Big Bad Tune Gets Minimalist Makeover Courtesy Of Ghislain Poirier
Erup’s “Click Mi Finger” is easily one of the catchiest dancehall cuts in recent memory. Apparently the international response to the tune was strong enough that the good folks at Truckback Records decided to roll out a remix EP, inviting a handful of Outernational DJs to have their way with the track—a risky move, to be sure. But I’m not mad at this one…
Ninja Tune mixmaster and part-time dairy farmer Ghislain Poirier strips away all traces of the Gearbox riddim so you can hear every click, yet still maintains the integrity of the groove. Big up yuh status Mr. GP… a job well done.
You’re sure to appreciate Poirier’s handiwork even more after hearing the god-awful mess Grahmzilla made of the tune:
Let’s hope the mixes by Lunice and Nick Catchdubs turn out better than this tweaked-out crystal meth nightmare. Hard to imagine them being much worse.
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