Cham Chops It Up With Winford Williams on “OnStageTv”
The kid Cham has been on a major roll lately. From “Backway” and “Tun Up” with his lovely and talented wife O, to the certified Boomshot “Lawless” and his latest video, “Stripper Pose,” Cham has been unstoppable. And he’s pulled out all the stops to get his music heard—from passing out CDs in the streets of Kingston and ripping stages around the world. He recently took a break to stop by OnStageTV and share the secret of his success. “You have to have a good team. You have a good production team, that’s where Dave Kelly come in. You have to have a good street team, that’s where Team Cham come in… You have to have a good management team, that’s where Janet Davidson come in. And quality over quantity in terms of music production.” Video after the jump…
“Dancehall on a whole is growing.” Let’s go to the video tape…
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