“It Won’t Be Any Fun,” The Reggae Star Reasons, Plus “People Will Smoke Coke Harder”
Ever since voters in Colorado and Washington State voted to leglalize marijuana in those two states, ganja fans have been celebrating. Well, most of them. One noted herb booster isn’t so sure the new laws are a good thing. We spoke with Gyptian, who has a few concerns that might surprise you. Interview After The Jump…
“If they legalize marijuana it won’t be fun any more. It would be like a cigarette.People like trouble yunno. People like hard stuff like “It’s on the run” “I’ts on the loose.” People like excitement. Because that’s gonna be the only thing that interests them, that fascinates them.”
“When them legalize marijuana, people ah go smoke coke harder. Me sure of that. You’re gonna have a lot of crackheads around you. It’s the thrill of the chase man. Come on. If we were just smoking a cigarette, we wouldn’t feel no way. We wouldn’t feel the tension. We all ah fight Babylon, even if we’re not gonna win. But we can trick Babylon. Get some small victory along the way.”
“You don’t lock nobody up for that. Once you get caught with it, pay a fine. Give money to a school or something. So even if you get caught you’re good.”
While you ponder these points, check out some of Gyptian’s greatest ganja tunes.
Gyptian “High Grade”
Gyptian “High Every Day”
Gyptian “Sensi”
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