HEAR THIS: Michelle “Songbird” Gordon “No Way”

Sbe Won’t Be Led Astray
noway59BoomThis Kingston-born, Miami-raised Songbird counts Whitney and Mariah as inspirations, and her powerful vocals have just a touch of classic soul and gospel fire behind them. She’s toured the world as one of Michael Rose’s backup singers, sung harmonies on a Marcia Griffiths album, and recorded singles for the Jah Life and Heavy Beat labels. She also has three albums under her belt: Lioness, Michelle Michelle, and The Essence of Life, whose soaring title track became her biggest hit to date. The Songbird’s been working on a new album with producer Dennis Dreadstone, and it’s sounding pretty serious. Here’s your first taste. Audio After The Jump…
“Walk in the light of truth today” Run that…
[audio:https://www.boomshots.com/tunes/Michelle Songbird Gordon – No Way – Album Version.mp3]


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