4 Responses

  1. Joann Warkala says:


  2. Becca Beyer says:

    I would not have gone with high- tops…maybe white leather moccasins or white boots without any heels, but not Adidas high- tops. Other than that, it looks great, especially the fishnets. BUT SHE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A SLUT! This is the equator! Its either plain old boring bikini, die from heatstroke, or bedazzle that bikini to the point of awesomeness. Which would you choose!?!?!?!?

  3. Joe Knight says:

    Looks a little slutty to me…but I like the a lttle slutty look LOL

  4. Ron says:

    “Welcome, twilight soft and sweet.
    That breathes throughout this hallowed shrine
    Sweet pain of love, bind thou with fetters fleet
    The heart that on the dew of hope must pine…”

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