On November 2, 1930, the official crowning of a monarch occurred in Ethiopia
Peoples of African descent, come from a lineage of kings and queens, as referenced in the bible. On this day, November 2, in 1930, Emperor Haile Selassie I and his wife, Empress Menen Asfaw were formally crowned with regalia, together in Ethiopia.
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This historical day, offers people all over the world, strength and resilience in a world filled with brandish “-isms.”
Boomshots Magazine, presents the tune,‘ His Imperial Majesty’ by Rod Taylor, to commemorate this historic event.
Produced by Mikey Dread and King Tubby on the album “Dread at the Controls,” in 1978, this song still resonates as a deeply-rooted spiritual song. In 2006, Rod Taylor did a remix of the song with the “Real Fireman,” Capleton.
In 2008, with his everlasting sharp vocals, Rod Taylor, along with Joseph Cotton, delivered an exclusive, live dubplate for Mass-I Sound. The dub plate session took place at “Loota Yard,” a well known studio in Paris, France.
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