“Re-Presentation” of Jacob Miller’s 1975 Classic Set to Debut Monday on Mass Appeal
Forty years ago, the late great Jacob “Killer” Miller released “Tenement Yard”, his first hit with the Inner Circle band. “Dreadlocks can’t live in a tenement yard,” the young Rasta rebel sang, lamenting all the “watchy watchy” people chatting his business in one of Kingston’s inner city communal housing schemes. Four decades later a new Rasta rebel steps up on the said Inner Circle riddim, and delivers his message, with what amounts to a whole new song subtitled “News Carrying Dread.” Not only are the rhythm track and the message of the new tune in tune with the original, a sample of “Jakes” voice also rings throughout. The 2015 release, which marks the first time the reggae supergroup has re-presented a song by their foundation vocalist, will premiere this Monday on Mass Appeal. Late last year Boomshots caught up with Chronixx and Inner Circle co-founder Roger Lewis at the band’s state-of-the-art Circle House Studios, where the song was made. “Me find Jacob, Red Hills Road,” Says Roger Lewis with conviction in his voice. “All my life I tell you—and I don’t say this becauxse Chronixx is here—I don’t see a youth who touch me like Jacob.” The good vibes are clearly mutual between the veteran band and the young singer. “We always have a great respect for the Inner Circle family, even before we really met up physcially,” says Chronixx. “Is a great thing. Is a very very great thing. To see say them music can still be revamped. Because we are the originators, I and I, from that time till this time.” Check the full reasoning with Rob Kenner and Reshma B. Video After The Jump…
Original “Killer Miller” Stylee…
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