The Chef Connects With Baka Over Walshy Fire’s Production— Accurate!
Any time you can get two of the world’s greatest living lyricists on one track for the first time, that’s a win. On “Skew It On the Bar-B” Andre 3000 and Raekwon brought A-Town and Shaolin together and the result was historic. On the fresh cut “Be Inspired,” Raekwon the Chef trades bars with Kabaka Pyramid over a hard-driving breakbeat. (Shout out to our peoples over at egotripland for the link.) If you can’t picture the Wu God kicking it with a dancehall reggae artist, perhaps you forgot about his Clarks game—not to mention that Wu-Tang “One Blood” joint. Let’s just say the homie Walshy Fire has made history with this one. Audio After The Jump…
“Kingston to New York Streets” Squeeze Off…
Kicking It with Kabaka
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