WATCH THIS: Allinor “Fun” Official Music Video

Straight Outta Ghana to St. Andrew Park

What’s fun to you? Kicking a soccer ball? Playing with kids in the park? Listening to some tunes? Fulfilling your lifetime dream of traveling from Africa to Jamaica and recording a full album with some of the greatest reggae musicians who ever lived? All those things converge with Allinor, a young singer from Ghana who took a leap of faith and caught a flight to Kingston in hopes of working with the legendary guitarist Chinna Smith, who played with everybody from Amy Winehouse to Ras Michael & The Sons of Negus to Robert Nesta Marley. His is the yard in St. Andrew Park mentioned in Jah9’s “Steamers a Bubble”—a place where serious reggae jam sessions go down on the regular. Allinor made the link with Chinna, sang him some songs, one thing lead to another, and before he knew it, the young African vocalist was standing in Harry J Studios laying down his debut album. The first video from said album dropped yesterday, and it’s filled with words of wisdom about how you can enjoy your life a whole lot more. How fun is that? Video After The Jump…
“Hey there serious man, smile a little” Let it go…


One response to “WATCH THIS: Allinor “Fun” Official Music Video”

  1. Bernard Doh Avatar

    I think Allinor is making a very big inrole in the regea music industry & will surely make Africa proud one day.

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