Reasoning with Jahmiel: “Me Nuh Frighten Fe Benz and Beamer”

A Fresh DJ Is Coming… Watch Yah!

One great thing about Rebel Salute, you can always count on seeing a different set of artists than all the other big reggae festivals and stage shows. Year in and year out, Rebel finds a way to book artists you haven’t heard from in years (if you’ve even seen then live at all) or new stars you need to pay attention to.  This year was no exception as vintage harmony groups like The Congos and The Abyssinians touched the stage as well as classic dancehall acts Pinchers and Jr. Cat. But what about the rising stars? Joining David Brooks onstage for his early Sunday morning set,  Jahmiel aka “The Missionary” made a big impression. As with most overnight successes, the artist formerly known as Culture Jahmiel has been doing his thing for several years—although the artist proudly points out that he never sold out to “buss.” Back in 2011 he caused a little stir with his song “Mi Nuh Murdera” for Young Vibes Productions. Late last year he dropped a tune called “Gain The World” and hasn’t looked back since. “Life comes with stages,” he mentions in the tune. “I’m just on the other pages.” Now moving with Quantanium Productions, Jahmiel has the momentum, the musical talent, and the consistency to make big moves in the future. After his show-stealing performance Reshma B caught up with the artist for a quick reasoning. Video After The Jump…
Backstage at Rebel Salute with Jahmiel

“Gain The World” (2015)

“Great Man” (2016)

“Where Were U” (Cure Pain Riddim / Good Good Prod / 2016)

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