WATCH THIS: Kelissa “Best Kept Secret” Official Music Video

Kelissa McDonald “Best Kept Secret” Video Celebrates Her Earthstrong and Women’s History Month

Big up to Kelissa, one of the Caribbean’s favorite rising talents of the reggae revival. You may remember this lovely young empress from her Vogue feature on Jamaica’s resurgence of conscious music. Lately, this African queen has taken a break from touring to record more classic music and create engaging visuals for fans. In the latest video for her single “Best Kept Secret” Kelissa demonstrates her outstanding vocal ability, youthful appearance, and queenly character for the ladies seeking love in the Spring. Video After The Jump…


Kelissa shared a post promoting the new visuals on Facebook. The timing for the video release is perfect. Today Kelissa McDonald, the younger sister of fitness pro Kamila McDonald, celebrates her birthday in a the month dedicated to women’s history and girl power. Kelissa McDonald who lived and studied in Ethiopia and Ghana was the inspired by the the continent’s beauty and diversity. McDonald told the Jamaica Observer that her African experience broadened her outlook on life.

“It has really moulded the way I treat people and helped me understand the African roots of Jamaica,” she said.

Kelissa went more in depth to share how her experiences in the Motherland helped create her first project:
“Rebel In Disguise has been a rising for me. I went for a live, very African-inspired sound,” she explained. “Coming back to Jamaica after five years has been about re-connecting with my roots. Being away, I have a greater appreciation for the music here.”

Wearing bold and beautiful locks down her back, McDonald still shows appreciation for the roots her parents helped establish in Jamaican music and the arts. She is the daughter of Errol and Kerida Scott-McDonald, backbone of the progressive reggae band Chakula, who live in Ethiopia. She is also granddaughter of A D Scott, arguably Jamaica’s greatest architect.

Check it out at Youtube ☺ #BestKeptSecret music video, directed and edited by @bird.r.mighty!! #BestKeptSecret #Kelissa #Anbessa #colourOfLove @naturalhighmusicja @anbessaworld 📷: @the_denni

Watch the video for Best Kept Secret Below:

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2 responses to “WATCH THIS: Kelissa “Best Kept Secret” Official Music Video”

  1. Soren Avatar

    OMG! I never knew she lived in Africa, explains so much as to why sh represents Africa in her lifestyle.

  2. jurah israel Avatar
    jurah israel

    queenly in every way. haunting vocals, locking away my heart just like a secret

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