WATCH THIS: Jah9 “Humble Me” Official Music Video

Sometimes Life Is More Than Meets The I

“Humble Me,” the first single off  Jah9’s new album (titled simply  9), is not to be confused with Norah Jones’ tune of the same title. Where Norah’s song is about falling on your knees and begging the Lord for forgiveness, Jah9’s is about appreci-loving the majestic complexity of creation and exploring heretofore unseen spiritual dimensions of the universe. (A “Natural Mystic” if you will.) The Ras Kassa–directed video for the song, which premiered yesterday on Jah9’s official site, demands close attention. We see the artist/lioness strolling through an ancient rain forest in a blue dress adorned with elaborate jewelry. Gazing awestruck at the green canopy above, pausing to admire a tiny fern, or observing a parade of ants marching across a massive tree root, she begins “tuning into the frequency”—and, perhaps, seeing more than just a forest. As the divine order begins to reveal itself, the viewer begin to notice fleeting glimpses of geometric shapes—as rendered by animator Dayne Chike Morrison—which become more and more apparent until Jah9’s insights become our own. Remember when Bob advised us to “emanicpate yourselves from mental slavery”? This is what it looks like. Video After The Jump…

“The source of the Sacred is encoded in I-and-I” Run that..

Jah9 x Reshma B

Purchase 9 Pon iTunes

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