HEAR THIS: Andre Xcellence “Ram It Up” PREMIERE

The Turn Up Was The Old Wave—Now It’s Time to Ram It Up!

Andre Xcellence is a reckless Trini youth based in Los Angeles whose daily agenda includes “Shuttin’ down the club, even bringin’ Ballys back.” To be honest we just heard about him yesterday but he had us from the moment he flipped Super Cat’s “Don Dada” hook over a frenetic Supakuma-produced track that sounds something like Diwali on steroids. With a lyrical flow that’s more rap than reggae, Xcellence shouts out Charlie Sheen and displays a zero-phuxx-given sense of humor: “I don’t want you to limbo low / I want you to bounce like a Backpage bimbo” etc… Definitely not suited for the conscious Rasta crowd, “Ram It Up” gets a Boomshots premieres simply because the energy is undeniable. If you’re in the mood to “celebrate like we just won a gold cup” you need this tune in your life.  Audio After The Jump…
“If you don’t like that we could go to fisticuffs” Run that…

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One response to “HEAR THIS: Andre Xcellence “Ram It Up” PREMIERE”

  1. […] dem Studio von Supakuma. Beide sagten mir nichts, bis ich das Ding bei den Kollegen von Boomshots entdeckte, doch sie dürfen ihren Katalog gerne ausbauen! Ram It Up ist zwar kein Dancehall, fett ist es […]

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