Jamaica’s Number One Soul Man Speaks On His New Album Never Ending
There’s an old saying that “Music alone shall live.” With that in mind, the title of Beres Hammond’s latest album rings true, even if the man who makes these amazing songs—as he has done for decades on top of decades—is in fact a mere mortal. The release of a new Beres Hammond album is always cause for celebration, which explains our joyous mood today. One of the greatest singers and songwriters ever to emerge from Jamaica, Mr. Hammond has kept us waiting for six years since his last studio album, One Life, One Love, The wait will be over at midnight tonight with the release of Never Ending, a remarkable 14-track set that ranks with the finest work, from sweet lovers’ rock (“Hold You Till It Hurts”) to truths and rights (“Cry Freedom”) to the delightful jazz-tinged vibes of the title track. The musicianship is first-rate as usual—the finest players of instruments always come together when a true legend is in session—and with Bulby York on the mix how can you lose? During an exclusive interview with the Reggae Girl About Town, Beres spoke about all the singles released so far, including the rousing “Land of Sunshine” and “My Kinda Girl.” For anyone who’s ever wondered exactly what Beres’ type of girl is, Reshma B got the answer in this wide-ranging heart-to-heart conversation. Beres and RGAT also spoke about the song “I’m Alive,” which prompted some interested reflections on the artist’s legacy. “That’s what I think I’m sent here for,” Beres revealed. “To shed some happiness in some dark corners of your mind.” And then, as he often does, Beres shifted from reflective to jovial. “One time somebody asked me, what you want to be remembered as Beres?” He recounted his reply with perfect comic timing. “Mi say, ‘Remembered as? I want you remember me now!’” After a big laugh, Beres added. “If you should ever think of Beres, let’s say Beres not around. Just remember one ball of happiness and joy. A bundle of joy, of course through the music.” Never Ending drops tomorrow. While you wait, check this very special reasoning. “We nah talk no foolishness!” Video After The Jump…
Part 1: “What’s Beres’ Type of Girl?”
Part 2: “I Like This Kind of Reasoning”
Pre-Order Beres Hammond’s new album, Never Ending
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