What Would Make You Solid?
“With the release of this song I felt obligated to give somewhat of an explanation,” says Germany. “‘Solid’ is about my experience with anxiety, and depression and how it relates to my career. Especially in the last year, I have been through some seemingly unprovoked and sudden bouts with anxiety and depression. When it first started happening I was terrified and had no idea what was wrong with me. I felt hopeless and nearly suicidal. I had no idea why suddenly my heart was constantly racing or why joy seemed like such an impossible and foreign emotion. Because I’m speaking to a broader audience that may not be able to relate, I won’t go into much more detail. I may however, in the future, write something more specific about my experience. But for now just know that I’m fully functional and grateful to be where I am.
“It occurred to me at some point that the ‘abnormality’ or stigma of depression and anxiety can create a large portion of distress that someone may go through when first experiencing it. This doesn’t need to be the case. Don’t be afraid. I want everyone out there who has had the thought that they’re crazy, or broken, or alone that you are NONE of those things. You’re simply alive.
“So many people keep these thoughts to themselves for fear of being judged and that’s dangerous. Everyone’s path is different. It’s so much more common than you might think to go through these states of being. Even if you don’t understand the cause, just remember that you will always feel better again and nothing is permanent. My darkest moments have ultimately given me a deeper appreciation for every moment of joy or even contentment that I have.
“I’ve never been keen on the idea that everything happens for a reason, but I have since decided that you can choose the meaning that you give to every event in your life. I choose to see this as the catalyst for sharing my struggle as a way to connect with others and help them get through it. I’m grateful for my experience because it has given me perspective. I have also since quit drinking or using any mind altering substance (with the obvious exception of coffee) indefinitely. This is just to gain a clear understanding of my baseline mood.
“Do what you need to do to feel good and be healthy. Don’t shy away from doing things that help you because it’s not “cool”. I’m not against alcohol or drug use at all. It’s just what I need to do for myself at this point in time. This is not a call for sympathy nor is it an attempt to gain attention. This is an attempt to relate to other people who may be going through or have gone through similar experiences to mine. You’re not alone. Everything is okay. Just keep living.”
“Who the fuck is gonna save me? Guess it’s me and no one else” Run that…
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