Category: Philosophy

  • “LAVAAA!!!” The Irie Flame of I-Wayne

    “LAVAAA!!!” The Irie Flame of I-Wayne

    Lava Splash! Fire Dash! Everything Burn To Ash

    Sunday September 4th marked Irie Jam’s 23rd Anniversary concert spotlighting Sizzla Kalonji’s return-to-New-York performance after eight long years of absence. The supporting superstar line-up to the sizzling stage show included an artist who personifies lines from Kalonji’s “King in the Jungle.”  Seated up so high, yet so humble, I-Wayne brought his celestial presence and the hard/soft balance of his cool and deadly style to the Irie Jam Radio massive in the leafy green confines of Roy Wilkins Park. Mainstream airwaves aren’t the lane for I-Wayne. As the Prophet Capleton once put it, he is on a mission, not in a competition. To see him truly manifest is to catch him live in the flesh. After a seething set that made knowledge born that his musical ministry is service to the people—not about bulleting Billboard or gaining Grammys—we linked up with the Loyal Soliders Promotion crew backstage. I-Wayne broke it down with Boomshots as to what the Irie Jam performance meant to him, burning a righteous fire, and shedding light on the livity of a lava lyricist. Video After The Jump… (more…)

  • WATCH THIS: Busy Signal “What If?” Official Music Video

    WATCH THIS: Busy Signal “What If?” Official Music Video

    The Turf Prez Stirs The Pot With Some Pointed Questions

    In Busy Signal’s latest song,  “What If?” the Turf President puts on his philosophical hat and generates thought-provoking lyrics about the unpredictability of life. His lyrics emphasize that good and bad things happen to everyone, and we never know when adversity will swing our way, in the pendulum of life.  More After The Jump…
