The New Caribbean Cinema Movement Scores A Major Breakthrough Thanks to AAFFRM
With the slogan of, “Together, We Are Strong,” the AAFRM (The African-American Film Festival Releasing Movement) is all about bringing the vision of independent filmmakers to the world. To add on to their much success, AaFFRM has announced their new label, ARRAY. The label will be a multi-platform distribution for black independent films. The award winning, Storm Saulter directed film, Better Mus’ Come, will be the first film distributed by this company. “We’re proud that his gem will launch ARRAY,”says AaFFRM Founder, Ava DuVernay. “Storm’s work on Better Mus’ Come as director, writer and cinematographer is wildly impressive, incredibly important and deserves to be seen by as many film lovers as possible. AFFRM’s new label ARRAY is build to serve the tremendous burst of black cinematic talent across the globe, filmmakers who are embracing new technologies to tell their stories by any means necessary. The goal is to expand the brand cultivated over our first four theatrical releases by reaching new audiences via both digital and traditional platforms.” And if you haven’t seen it yet, you need to check out the trailer for Better Mus Come. Video After The Jump… (more…)
Tag: African-American Film Festival Releasing Movement
Better Mus’ Come Secures North American Distribution