Tag: Bad Mind

  • WATCH THIS: DeMarco “Loyal” (Royals Remix) Official Music Video

    WATCH THIS: DeMarco “Loyal” (Royals Remix) Official Music Video

    Mek Me Tell You This…

    Where does the time go? As we find ourselves in the middle of December (already!), it’s time to have a look back over the past year and take stock of the music, the vibes, the moments that stood out during 2014. There’s been a lot of good songs, but few that hit home quite as hard or rang quite as true as Demarco’s broadside against “badmind, grudgeful, envious people.” Sure it’s a cover version of Lorde’s 2013 worldwide smash “Royals,” but just because the song was originated by a teenage girl from New Zealand, does that mean it shouldn’t ring out in Cassava Piece, Cockburn Pen, and Tower Hill? “Me don’t care—me gun dem never deh far, it deh near.”  (Kapiche?) “From you pree me life me delete you.” Simple. Video After The Jump… (more…)