Tag: Daddy Ernie

  • No Long Talk: Daddy Ernie On Freedom of Choice: “Who Want Vex, Vex!”

    No Long Talk: Daddy Ernie On Freedom of Choice: “Who Want Vex, Vex!”

    Host of UK Radio’s Superjam Reflects On His Legacy

    If you weren’t in London from the ’90s, you may not be aware of Daddy Ernie or the power of his radio show, SuperJam. As he says: “Who’s Daddy Ernie? Some black DJ who used to be on a station in Brixton that everybody used to wear big gold chains and rings.” What you should know is he’s one of the most respected and important British contributors in the history of Jamaican music. He’s also the only person in history to present a reggae show Monday to Friday on a legal radio station. And it was prime time from 1990 to (about) 2003/2004. The way things are, it’s likely he’ll be the sole claimant forever. Daddy Ernie’s SuperJam ran alongside Choice FM’s lifespan (1990–2013), becoming one of the stations most listened to shows and amongst the highest paid specialist DJs on the station.  Podcast After The Jump… (more…)