“This is My Moment,” said Marcia Griffiths, “And I’m Gonna Live It.”
Marcia Griffiths, the undisputed Queen of reggae, hit Jamaica Queens NYC to celebate 50 years in the music biz at Groovin in the Park this June 29. Now in its 4th year, Groovin in the Park is an upscale affair that attracted 25,000 punters to ‘Roy Wilkins Park’ with a line-up that boasts some of the greatest names in Reggae history—many of whom have worked with Marcia at one time or another. With at least half a dozen outfit changes Ms. Griffiths was prepared for anything. She first hit the stage around 3pm—warming things up with her international pop hit ‘Electric Boogie’, which spawned a dance craze that continues till this day—and kept going strong with internmittent breaks until 9pm. Full Review and Videos after the Jump… (more…)