Tag: Murder Dem

  • WATCH THIS: Iyara “Murder Dem” Video

    Iyara Stands Up For His General By Letting Shots Fly At Tommy Lee

    Iyara reacts as any good soldier would if his general was threatened. It was only a matter of time before the Alliance would respond to Tommy Lee’s “Goat Head” Tune, and what a response it was. Iyara holds nothing back as he vividly describes what he would do to Tommy Lee if he ever comes at the warlord again promising to turn the demon of Sparta into a martyr. Let’s hope it doesn’t escalate passed music – Hit the jump to listen. (more…)

  • Ninjaman Surrenders To Police

    Out Pon Bail: Ninja at Reggae Sunsplash 1996 Photo by Stella Magliore

    Whether you call him Brother Desmond or the Original Front Teeth Gold Teeth Gun Pon Teeth Bad Bwoy, Ninjaman always seems to be the center of attention. But attention from the Jamaica Constabulary Force is not the sort of attention anybody wants. In the photo above, he had just been released from prison to perform at Reggae Sunsplash 1996. In 1999, he missed the premier of Third World Cop, his first big-screen role, because he was unavoidably detained in General Penitentiary. But since that time, he’s been on some mostly positive movements, most recently the “One Umbrella Movement” against violence. Looks like history just keeps repeating itself. Ten years later Ninja is about to star in a new movie called Gangstas, and at the same time he’s in a next legal mixup.
