Tag: Rory “Stone Love” Gilligan

  • Mother’s Day Special Event: Reggae Bowl

    Mother’s Day Special Event: Reggae Bowl

    A Thoughtful Event for Mothers and The Community At Large

     The “Reggae Bowl” is a food and music event that will be held at the Ital Kitchen in Brooklyn, New York, this Mother’s Day—Sunday, May 8, 2016.  This celebration of Mothers will promote a healthy lifestyle through its various components; serving up sweet reggae music, fashion and vital, ital cuisine.  More After The Jump


  • Jah9: Jazz on Dub

    Jah9: Jazz on Dub

    Roots Reggae Queen, Jah9 is all set and ready to deliver a Holistic Dub Experience to her New York fans at Milk River Restaurant & Lounge tonight!

    Jazz and Dub blends together for a musical massage with an extraordinary sound. The slow sound waves of dub, allow the lyrics to ride over the beat, in a synchronized fashion. This speed enables the listener to focus on the lyrics, so it comes as no surprise that, Janine “Jah9” Cunningham, entitled her East Coast Tour, “Jazz on Dub.” The tour to promote her debut album, “New Name” hits Brooklyn, New York tonight. More After The Jump…
