Tag: Year of the 9

  • Jah 9 Talks Yoga, Herbs and Holistic Healing: “This is no Devil Thing, This is Life!”

    Jah 9 Talks Yoga, Herbs and Holistic Healing: “This is no Devil Thing, This is Life!”

    Jamaican Warrior Goddess Vibes in the British countryside

    On a rainy day in Hainault Forest Country Park in Chigwell, Essex, Jah9 and her band performed at One Love, the UK’s No. 1 reggae and dub camping festival. Running through new songs like “Humble Me” and the warrior anthem “Unafraid” from her new album, which would be released on the mystical date of September 9, 2016 (2+0+1+6=9) a perfect convergence of 9s. “Every time we come to England we get more love,” Jah 9 told Reshma B in an exclusive interview. They spoke about the making of Jah9’s 9mm Vol 2 (“It’s not a mixtape,” she insists. “It’s groundings”) and the whole “Year of the 9” concept. Video After The Jump… (more…)